This is how I felt about day 7 ... I'm a big CRANKMONSTER.
Ladies, how do you deal with the ups and downs of hormones and still stay focused on your goals? To me, they are complete opposite ends of the spectrum tearing at one another. When drive is down, it's way down ... no exercise and no discipline with food. Whhaaaa ...
You just have to push through and remember that the changes you are working on are important. Remember you are worth it! The days you struggle the most are the ones that hold the most important lessons about succeeding on your journey. Keep your chin up.
It will take a while, but eventually your body will produce so many endorphins after exercising that you generally feel good all day. That's what I've been experiencing lately as I run.
make it a habit, so even on your down days you just do it...
It becomes like brushing your teeth, there is no down or up day to it. It just is. Soon even exercising will be like that. but the most imp thing is to make it a habit.... For those first few days make sure u have an accountability partner like a friend to see to that you keep the regimen...
All the best!
- Alujna
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